Reduced registration to our meetings:
- The Psychopharmacology: State-of-the-Art — a world class update on psychopharmacology, held twice a year in New York City and California. CME Available.
- ASCP Annual Meeting (formerly known as NCDEU) — sponsored by ASCP, NCDEU has been one of the definitive meetings in psychopharmacology for more than 50 years. CME available.
Reduced prices on other ASCP products and activities:
- The Model Curricula in Psychopharmacology (for teaching residents).
- Discounted membership for Resident Members to the Neuroscience Education Institute (NEI).
- Discounted membership for all ASCP Members to Simple and Practical Mental Health
- A complimentary online subscription to the bi-monthly publication of The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
- Access to the member website with information.
- An opportunity to serve on ASCP Committees and Work Groups, which are working to improve the practice of psychopharmacology.
- An opportunity to interact with leaders in the field.
- Attain Fellowship status after 10 consecutive years of membership and attendance in 5 or more ASCP meetings
- *NEW* Member Mentorship Program to learn from leaders in the field
If you are a physician in any specialty or are a doctoral-level scientist involved in active clinical psychopharmacological investigation, we hope that you'll join the Society. Dues are $125 per year for Membership (FREE for residents/trainees in any medical specialty), and $94 per year for Associate Membership. We have lots of plans for the future which we think you will enjoy and benefit from professionally. Look through this website to learn more about us. Contact our office if you have questions about the Society.
Membership shall be available to holders of doctoral degrees whose interests are to advance the science, practice, and education of clinical psychopharmacology and other related innovative treatment modalities. The dues are $125 per year, and members receive discounts on all ASCP meetings and products.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership shall be available to those whose interests are to advance the science, practice, and education of clinical psychopharmacology and other related innovative treatment modalities, but who do not currently hold a doctoral degree and who do not meet the criteria for Resident/Trainee Membership. Associate members are not eligible for office, vote, or Chair/Co-Chair Committees. The dues are $94 per year, and associate members receive discounts on all ASCP meetings and products. Associate members are not eligible for office or to vote.
Resident/Trainee Membership
Resident/Trainee Membership shall be limited to residents or trainees in an approved training program that would ultimately render them eligible to become members upon completion of training. The term ‘trainee’ also includes students attending a professional or graduate school. Resident members are not eligible for office, vote, or Chair/Co-Chair Committees. The dues are complimentary per year, and resident members receive discounts on all ASCP meetings and products. Resident/Trainee members are not eligible for office or to vote. Resident/trainee members can receive a 50% discount on their first year of ASCP membership.
Fellow Membership
The designation of Fellow Membership is intended to recognize members who have made an enduring commitment to ASCP. Fellow Membership is achieved by maintaining membership for at least ten years (not necessarily consecutive, and inclusive of any category of membership) and by also attending the ASCP Annual Meeting at least five times during the ten years of membership. Alternatively, those with at least twenty years of membership are also eligible to be designated as being a Fellow Member. If you would like to become a Fellow Member, please contact info@ascpp.org or 615-649-3085.
Developing Countries Membership Rate
The Developing Countries special full membership rate is available to those scientists in countries, defined as low and lower middle or upper middle income by the World Bank. The definition of the World Bank classes are tied specifically to the country’s GDP earnings, not individual earnings. Please note that to receive the Developing Countries Membership rate, you must have residency in, must be currently living in, and be a citizen of the qualifying country. All three requirements must be met in order to receive the discounted rate. Contact info@ascpp.org for more details.
World Bank Class A: $125
World Bank Class B: $105
World Bank Class C: $78
World Bank Class D: $51
Member Referrals
All current ASCP members are eligible to receive $10.00 off their following year's dues, up to a full year of membership, by referring a new member to join ASCP. ASCP will also offer a $10.00 membership discount to any new member who is recruited by an existing ASCP member.
Multi-year Renewals
ASCP offers incentives for purchasing multiple years of membership in advance. The following discounts will be offered:
- 5% off three-year renewal
- 10% off a five-year renewal
If you are interested in renewing your membership for multiple years, please contact the ASCP Executive Office via email (info@ascpp.org).