Eleventh Edition, ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum - Residents

ASCP has expanded and updated the ELEVENTH EDITION of the ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Training Directors and Teachers of Psychopharmacology in Psychiatric Residency Programs. Quality training in clinical psychopharmacology is of critical importance for the modern psychiatrist. Clinical practices have continued to change markedly, and new medications and new research appear almost daily. The ASCP curriculum integrates these new developments into a teaching tool which is the very latest in cutting-edge, evidence-based psycho-pharmacology. Already utilized in many residency training programs, and winner of the 2006 CINP (Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum) Lundbeck Prize for Education in Psychiatry and Neurology, the ASCP Model Psychopharmacolgy Curriculum has the what, the why and the how of teaching psychopharmacology, as well as ways to evaluate the residents' learning. To purchase the curriculum, please click here.


The 11th edition of the curriculum includes over 100 lectures in PowerPoint format. The material covers a basic course (PG Is and IIs) and in an advanced course (for PG IIIs & IVs) plus supplementary lectures. Pre and post-test questions are included for most lectures. Special features have been added, including recommendations of outstanding texts, journals, web sites, P450 interactions, algorithms.

Download the curriculum Table of Contents.


New Versions

Purchasers of the 11th Edition ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum will also receive a copy of the joint Primary Care and the Medical Student 5th Edition Curriculum at no additional cost.

Source of Funds

ASCP continues to produce and distribute the Curriculum without the use of funds from any commercial source. Nor does any commercial source have input into or influence over the content of the curriculum.

Purchase Online

The ASCP Model Curriculum is now available for purchase and download online at http://psychopharmcurriculum.com. ASCP members qualify for discounts; see Pricing information for details.

What The Download Includes:

PowerPoint lectures, PDF of the introduction and other supplementary materials now included in the curriculum, The Psychiatric Residency edition also includes the "Depression Module." 

PRICING: ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Training Directors and Teachers of Psychopharmacology in Psychiatric Residency Programs, 11th Edition.

  • Full price for download $500.00 (previously $600.00)
  • Member price for download $400 (previously $500.00)

If you qualify for the Member Discount on the Curriculum, please contact info@ascpp.org before placing your order to receive this discount at check-out.

You may now purchase each module separately at $60 for members ($75 for non-members).

    1. Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Lecture Series (17 components)
    2. Geriatric Psychopharmacology Lecture Series (9 components)
    3. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Psychopharmacology Lecture Series (13 components)
    4. Depression Module (9 components)
    5. Crash Course (7 components)
    6. Basic Course (13 components)
    7. Advanced Course (12 components)
    8. Lectures Which can Be Included In Any Course or May Be Optional (24 components)