Please note that using this service does not constitute a referral. This listing is of physicians who have expressed an interest in evidence based psychopharmacology by becoming a member of ASCP. No other qualifications can or should be inferred from presence on this list. ASCP is in no way liable to any user of this list. The user assumes full responsibility for the use of the list and the consequences of using the list. By proceeding, you are indicating that you agree to these specific terms of use. Also note the general terms of use.
The database below is a small proportion of psychopharmacologists who belong to ASCP and have chosen to list their names in the online database. Of course, there are many other psychopharmacologists in practice throughout the U.S. If you do not find a psychopharmacologist in this database who practices in your area, we would suggest one of the following:
- Contact the state or local psychiatric society in your area, by clicking here to view the listings.
- Consult your local phone directory under "physicians" and then "psychiatric physicians" or "psychiatrists". (Non-psychiatric physicians specializing in psychopharmacology may be listed separately.)
- Contact your local or regional school of medicine, department of psychiatry. Google is a good tool for this purpose, e.g., "XXXX School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry"
Searching the Database
Select your search criteria by entering your search term in the text field to filter. You must select the state from the drop down menu.