The American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology is excited to offer the following as an educational resource:
Eleventh Edition, ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum
The Psychopharmacology of Depression curriculum and tool box is a multi-modal psychopharmacology curricula to support training in U.S. Adult Psychiatry Residency Training Programs. It consists of seven mini-modules, each of which can be used as free-standing teaching sessions or collectively as one comprehensive curriculum.
The ELEVENTH EDITION of the ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum for Training Directors and Teachers of Psychopharmacology in Psychiatric Residency Programs includes over 100 lectures in PowerPoint format. The material covers a basic course (PG Is and IIs) and in an advanced course (for PG IIIs & IVs) plus supplementary lectures. Pre and post-test questions are included for most lectures. Special features have been added, including recommendations of outstanding texts, journals, web sites, P450 interactions, algorithms.
To purchase the curriculums or for more information,

The ASCP Model Curriculum was Featured in The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents' Journal
The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents' Journal featured an article focusing on the purpose, mission, and efforts of the ASCP Model Curriculum. Click here for the full article.